Game On: Siege of Orgrimmar LFR Guide Part 1 - Vale of Eternal Sorrows

Siege of Orgrimmar LFR Guide Part 1 - Vale of Eternal Sorrows

That feeling when you first step into a raid encounter. Here, at All My Alts, I hope to curb a little of that first timer anxiety with a basic survival guide to The Vale of Eternal Sorrows raid in LFR. This guide covers the first section of the Siege of Orgrimmar LFR and the four bosses you will encounter in it. The bosses found here are Immerseus, The Fallen Protectors, Norushen, and the Sha of Pride. This guide is meant for LFR players only.
Vale of Eternal Sorrows loading screen.
Let's get our game on!

The Vale of Eternal Sorrows


Spread out around him like in the picture.
Immerseus is the first boss in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid. Under the Vale of Eternal Blossoms is a series of aqua ducts filled with the pure waters of Pandaria. When the Sha of Pride turned the Vale into the Vale of Eternal Sorrows, the waters were corrupted and Immerseus, the living embodiment of this corrupt water, waits for any unfortunate enough to stumble upon it.

The boss alternates between two phases, the main phase and an add phase. Each time the boss reaches 0 HP, the add phase starts and spawns adds based on the boss' current level of Corruption. The adds come in two varieties: friendly (Contaminated Puddle) which must be healed, and hostile (Sha Puddle) which must be killed; performing these tasks successfully will lower the boss' level of Corruption and during the next main phase the boss starts with % HP equal to the current level of Corruption. To kill the boss, the Corruption bar has to be brought to 0.

Boss Fight:

Phase 1 - Main Phase: There's constant void zones being formed from Sha Bolts, stay spread out and move as soon as one forms. He'll do a 180 degree Swirl that spouts water clockwise. Either outrun it or go to the other side.

Phase 2 - Split Phase: He splits into Sha Puddles and Contaminated Puddles. You don't want these to reach Immerseus as they cause damage to the raid. Slow/Stun/Root/Kill Sha Puddles, stand next to them when one dies to be buffed with Sha Residue to help you kill Sha Puddles faster. Heal Contaminated Puddles, the more you heal the slower they go, stand next to them when they're topped to get mana back.

TL;DR version of what to do:

All: Spread out and /range 5 to avoid Sha Bolt splash. Don't stand on top of the boss. Don't stand in void zones and avoid water jet during Swirl.Bloodlust/Heroism on the pull.

Tanks: Face boss away from raid. One tank in front at all times. Offtank taunts off first tank when he uses Corrosive Blast. Avoid Sha Bolt void zones. Avoid Swirl, quickly get back into melee range if you are the active tank at that time. Help kill adds in Phase 2.

Heals: Avoid Sha Bolt void zones and water jet during Swirl. AOE heal once adds reach boss in Phase 2. Keep your eye out for contaminated adds. They must be healed to full. Healing the contaminated adds to full will give you a buff.

DPS: Heroism/Bloodlust at the start. Avoid Sha Bolt void zones. Avoid water jet during Swirl. Do no stack on boss or run through him. During Phase 2 you want to use snares like slow/stun/root on the Sha Puddles, Kill puddles(or stand next to one as it dies) for buff to damage.

Rinse and repeat until Immerseus is dead(Fun fact: He's actually not killed, but purified).


The Fallen Protectors

The Golden Lotus and Shado-Pan guardians of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms were caught in the epicenter of the devastating blast that scarred the Vale, and torn apart by the dark energies. Their spirits linger in the place they once protected, confused and tormented by their failure.

Names on the pandas so you can know them firsthand.
Players must do battle with Brewmaster Rook Stonetoe, Rogue He Softfoot, and the priestess Sun Tenderheart, as the three fallen protectors assault the raid simultaneously.

The fight is made up of two main phases, a normal phase where all three bosses have their normal abilities and a desperate measures phase where one or more of the bosses will call on desperate measures to fight you off. Each boss will call on their desperate measures twice in the fight, once when they are reduced to 66% health and a second time at 33% health.

Important: Another part of the fight is that all bosses must be brought to 1% health at almost the exactly same time or they will start to cast an ability that will heal them by 20% health.

Boss Fight:

Rook Stonetoe-
Tank faces Rook away from raid. He'll toss corrupted brew at random which causes green swirls on the ground. Rook also has a charge type ability called Clash to bring everyone to him and then he starts a corruption kick. Run out to avoid it as it deals physical damage every second to those in melee range and shadow damage to those further out. When Rook's Desperate Measures activate he summons three spirits which each has a different ability which are mainly AOE based. Misery which causes bad stuff on the ground. Avoid it. Sorrow which is a meteor so stack up to absorb it otherwise the tank dies. And then goom which is a chain lightning that hits everyone within four yards.

He Softfoot-
The tanks need to watch this boss due to his Gouge ability, it stuns his current target for 6 seconds and causes him to attack a random target until taunted. This means that whichever tank is not tanking him needs to pick up the taunts while his main tank is stunned. During the fight He will place poison pools on the ground so avoid those, and he will use a Garrote attack on random players.When He's Desperate Measures activate the spirit summoned will select a random player and put the Mark of Anguish on them, it will then attack the marked player until dead. The mark deals shadow damage and roots the target but can be transferred to a new player. Basically just toss it onto the tank and let him handle it.

Sun Tenderheart-
She casts an ability called Shadow Word: Bane which hits multi-targets at randoms. It also spreads and jumps targets. It is dispellable and should be removed quickly. Sun has an ability called Calamity which hits all players for 30% of their maximum life, but it also clears all shadow word: bane effects. She will also target random players for a Sha Sear attack which deals shadow damage to the target and everyone nearby for a short time so stay spread out. When Sun calls on her Desperate Measures two spirits are summoned called Embodied Despair and Embodied Desperation. In addition Sun enters a meditation state and deals shadow damage to everyone every half second. Look for a giant bubble on the field and get into it because you'll take less damage. The two adds summon manifestations of the players they attack that need to be killed. The phase ends when both adds are destroyed.


TL;DR version of what to do:

All:  Bloodlust/Heroism on pull. First attack Rook to 66%, then kill adds; misery, Gloom, and Sorrow. THen attack He Softfoot to 66% the kill the big add of anguish. start smacking Sun to 66% then her bubble spawns. Range kill the adds on the outside that spawn little shas. No AOEs all single-target! Then repeat to 33% and continue killing each boss evenly. Spread out and stack depending on boss abilities. Don't in bad stuff.

Tanks:  One tank on Rook and one tank on He. Face Rook away from everyone at all times. Tank He Softfoot on top of Sun for the cleave. Turn around or run away when He Softfoot uses Gouge. Stay out of Corrupted Brew, run out of Corruption Kick, Noxious Poison, Defiled Ground. Stay spread out for Corruption Shock and Sha Sear. Make sure to pick up adds during Rook's add phase. Be prepared to use a tanking cooldown when you get focused by Mark of Anguish. Go into the bubble during Sun's Dark Meditation, but keep Rook faced away from everyone.

Heals: Stay out of Corrupted Brew, run out of Corruption Kick, Noxious Poison, Defiled Ground. Stay spread out for Corruption Shock and Sha Sear. Dispel Shadow Word: Bane as soon as possible. Make sure the other healers are also doing this because a single dispeler will OOM fast. A lot of raid damage will go out during Sha Tenderheart's Dark Meditation so get those AOE heals handy. Keep eye out on tank with Mark of Anguish. He will be taking a ton of damage.

DPS: Heroism/Bloodlust on pull. There's no advantage to waiting for it at any other time. Each boss must be DPSed to 66% one at a time and then to 33%. Kill order is Rook >>> He >>> Sun and repeat. Stay out of Corrupted Brew, run out of Corruption Kick, Noxious Poison, Defiled Ground. Stay spread out for Corruption Shock and Sha Sear. During Rook's add phase, always kill Sorrow first, and then Misery and then Gloom. Stack for Rook's Inferno meteor otherwise Rook's tank wil die.  Adds are priority before focusing a boss. Get in the bubble for Sun Tenderfoot's Dark Meditation and single-target the adds down.

Rinse and repeat. Remember they must all die within 20 seconds of each other or they will heal each other to 20% health.


Sha trash Note-

Stack on the tank on this guy or you'll lose the tank.
After the Fallen Protectors fight your group can start clearing the groups of Sha trash before the next boss. Be careful to not overpull. Now there are two medium-sized Shas that have names. Both are connected to each other via a bond but in LFR it's not necessary to kill the first one before the other. Instead head to the mine shaft and to the second Sha with a name(see above picture) that is waiting for your group. The only thing to remember about this one is to stack on top of each other otherwise that Sha will kill your tanks.



Death Beam. Try to not stand in it.
The third boss is not actually Norushen (the titan that is discovered during the Dark Heart of Panderia scenario) but a test of virtue against an Amalgam of Corruption that he forms from the corruption in the players. When the fight begins, Norushen seals all players inside a Quarantine Zone and extracts a portion of each player's corruption to form the Amalgam of Corruption. The object of the encounter is to destroy this creature. Players must reduce their personal level of Corruption in order to inflict full damage to the Amalgam.

Boss Fight:

There are two phases to this fight - the main phase and the test.

Players will start the fight with 75 points of Corruption which will reduce the damage they cause to the Amalgam by 90%. To purify themselves they must be selected by RNG to be portaled into a solo instance. When they do they will face their test. If they succeed they will emerge from the trial with 0 corruption and be able to deal full damage to the Amalgam. Also whenever a player defeats a test the corruption they fought there is released into the regular fight as unleashed versions of themselves.

The Three Tests:

Test of Serenity (DPS) - Must defeat the enemies in the zone in one minute. There are manifesations of corruption that deal AOE damage in a frontal cone and Essence of Corruption that deals damage in a straight line.

Test of Reliance (Healers) - The healer is joined by several NPC's that need to be healed and cleansed through a fight with a Greater Corruption.

Test of Confidence (Tanks) - The tank must survive for 1 minute against a Titanic Corruption. This is a matter of using your tanking skills to interupt, avoid, or absorb damage.


TL;DR version of what to do:

All: Bloodlust/Heroism at 50% boss HP. Remember this is a DPS race with a 7 minute hard enrage timer. Void zones from killing large adds must be soaked immediately. in LFR, players will be automatically chosen to undergo the Look Within tests. Amalgam of Corruption has several AOE type attacks but the most dangerous is Blind Hatred which deals a significant amount of damage in a cone in front of him and he turns slowly to rotate it around the room. Do not run through it, do not stand in it expecting heals to keep your health up as it's too much damage.

Tanks:  Tank swap when Self Doubt is used. Offtank needs to pick up Manifestation of Corruption adds and stand in Residual Corruption void zones that form when they die to stop the aoe. If you are selected to be tested, you have to survive against a Titanic Corruption for a minute. Avoid all AOE on the ground and interrupt the Titanic Corruption whenever you can.

Heals:  Despite starting off slow this is actually a pretty mana intensive fight. If you are selected for the test, heal up all friendly adds. Any dps the healer can contribute will speed up the process. Also be prepared to immediately dispell a magic debuff effect that can be put on yourself or on the friendly adds. It eats up health pretty fast so be on the ball to get it dispelled.

DPS: Heroism/Bloodlust at 50% boss HP. Much like the Horridon fight, this is an "adds must die" priority fight. Always kill the adds first as the adds cause damage they take onto the boss with Foul Link. Kill adds in the test realm while avoiding damage


The Sha of Pride

He's very full of himself.
Pride. The last emotion Shaohao clung to and the unleashed devastation brought onto the Vale of Eternal Blossoms by Garrosh's actions. "Pride. It is the most insidious of sha. It is good until it is bad. And then it is more dangerous than all the others combined."-  The Emperor, Shaohao

Boss Fight:

The Sha of Pride is the 4th encounter in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid, and the final boss of the first wing of LFR. There are a number of mechanics, but they are not very difficult and mostly just require prompt reactions. The fight revolves around a mechanic of managing pride points. Each player will start with 0 but will gain pride over the fight when they are hit by various abilities. Pride affects players differently based on their current total pride with break poinst at 25, 50, 75, and 100 pride.

Pride notes:

Every 60 seconds the boss casts Swelling Pride which causes a special effect on each player based on their current level of pride:

Pride Meter, take note of the effects below.
0-24: no effect

25-49:  Bursting Pride, a large void zone at the player's location which explodes after 3 seconds, dealing damage and increasing pride. Easily dealt with by spreading out to /range 5 beforehand and then moving as necessary

50-74:  Projection, a projection of the player spawns 15 yards away, and will explode after 8 seconds, dealing damage if the player is not standing on it. Indicated by a green arrow, the player must simply move to it and stay there until it disappears

75-99:  Aura of Pride, dealing damage in a 5 yard aoe to all allies. Affected players simply have to spread out (which they should already have done)

100: Players gain Overcome as soon as they hit 100 pride, increasing their damage/healing by 50% but the next Swelling Pride cast will leave them permanently mind-controlled, something that should probably be avoided in LFR.

Other Notes:

Self-Reflection is periodically cast on players, who have to move out of the zones as 2 seconds later adds will spawn, dealing damage and increasing pride. The adds (Reflection) should be killed quickly via aoe damage, but don't necessarily need to be tanked.

Manifestation of Pride will spawn at the back of the room, and DPS should kill these quickly, using interrupts and stuns where possible (with good stun usage, they don't dish out any damage so don't need to be tanked). When they die, the 2 closest players will receive 5 pride so where possible this should be soaked by low-pride players.

Picture of Corrupted Prison. Please excuse the messy healer UI 
Periodically the boss will cast Corrupted Prison on 2 players. These players must be released as soon as possible (otherwise they will die) by having two players simultaneously step onto two yellow plates around each the activated prison. Avoid standing on the prisons themselves.

Mark of Arrogance is a damage-over-time debuff cast on random players. Dispelling this raises the dispeller's pride by 5, so should only be dispelled by the healer who currently has Gift of the Titans, which grants temporary immunity to pride. Gift of the Titans will also increase damage if all recipients are in close proximity, but since the majority of the fight involves dps/healers stacking, this shouldn't require special positioning.


TL;DR version of what to do:

All: Bloodlust/Heroism at 30% boss HP. Why? Because when the Sha reaches 30% health he will kill Norushen and stop his aid to you. When this happens Norushen will reduce your pride to 0 and the fight enters a burn phase. The Sha will deal AOE damage every 10 seconds and inflict 5 pride to each player. This gives you a maximum of just under 4 minutes to dispatch the sha once this phase starts. However, since he continues to use other abilities the time is really about 2 1/2 minutes. Manage your Pride, trying to keep it as low as possible. Group/Stack when you have the Titan buff. Run out of Self-Reflection then group back up.

Tanks: Active tank grabs Sha. The Offtank can pick up the small adds and help to AOE them down. Don't stand on top of the other tank, watch the Sha's energy, when it reaches 100 because it will cast Bursting Pride. Run out from that one. Also run and stand on your own Projection if it spawns. Avoid getting hit by Self-Reflection if it spawns at your feet.

Heals:  Stack up if you have the Titan buff. Run out from self-reflection and bursting pride. If you see a green arrow bouncing then go stand on top of your reflection. Do not dispell Mark of Projection if your pride meter is high or if you do not have the Titan buff on you.

DPS: Heroism/Bloodlust at 30% boss HP. DPS order is reflected players, adds, boss. Keep out of AOE. Stack up loosely behind the boss. Avoid Bursting Pride and stand on your projection if it spawns(look for a bouncing green arrow). Do not get hit by Self-reflection and keep stacked on the group if you have Titan's buff. Manifestation of Pride will spawn at the back of the room, and DPS should kill these quickly, using interrupts and stuns where possible (with good stun usage, they don't dish out any damage so don't need to be tanked). When they die, the 2 closest players will receive 5 pride so where possible this should be soaked by low-pride players. The Sha of Pride can also lock players in a Corrupted Prison. This targets random players and requires other players to stand on the yellow locks around the player to unlock the imprisioned player.

Thanks for reading this guide. I'll have a Part Two entry for the second section of the Vale of Eternal Sorrows for LFR shortly.

Good luck from,
All My Alts

Other LFR Guides:
Game On: Last Stand of the Zandalari LFR Guide


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