World of Warcraft Dad Jokes
Prepare to amaze your friends and guildmates with these World of Warcraft jokes. Okay, I'll be the first to admit this will probably get you off their friend list and g-kicked faster than anything. Want to start a riot or stop a boring argument in trade chat? Start telling these dad jokes right away!
General WoW Jokes
Why do hardcore raiders smell?
- Because they never wipe!
Why did the enchanter have to clean out his bank?
- Because it was full of dust!
Why are warriors the worst salesman?
- They charge too much!
How many GM's does it take to change a lightbulb?
- None. It's working as intended. (Wink wink)
How do you know you play too much WoW?
- When your girlfriends pants have a low drop rate
Why cant Pallys or Rogues have children?
- Pallys have protection and Rogues do it from behind AKa Sap It Before You Tap It!
Whats the difference between Death Knights and Prostitutes?
- None! They're both cheap, easy and spread diseases.
How many warriors to change a lightbulb?
- None, there's not path available.
A Dwarf walks OUT of a bar. (Ba dum-tsk)
How do you start a goblin foot race?
- Roll a copper down a hill.
What do rogues and noobs have in common?
- They both pick locks.
- That's what Shi said
Puns are hard to explain to rogues, they "take" things literally.
Why didn't the warrior cross the road?
- No path available.
What's a rogue's favorite drink?
- Subtle tea.
What did the Forsaken say to the Silvermoon street walker?
- You can keep the tip
How do you know someone has been playing since Vanilla?
- Don't worry. They'll tell you.
What's the difference between a gnome and a trampoline?
- You take your boots off before you jump on a trampoline!
Yo Mama WoW Jokes
- Yo mama is so fat when a mage polymorphed her, she turned into a whale.
- Yo mama is so fat when a rogue shadowstepped her, he got a loading screen.
- Yo mama so fat, she exalted with McDonalds
- Yo mama so fat earth shield ran out before it made a single orbit
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