Gold Guide: One Day Left until WinterVeil Begins

World of Warcraft Gold Guide
Can you feel the excitement?

In one day the Cataclysm launch will begin! Droves of returning and new players will bulk up the servers. Several of which that will roll as Worgens or Goblins(most likely DKs even). Good luck to all of the players that will be racing for their 'server firsts'. Hopefully, you have a solid plan, as I hear there is stiff competition.

See you in Cataclysm!


Now the rest of this entry is for the AHers: 
This month is especially exciting for us. The various preparations over the last two months to stockpile goods and snatch under-priced goods/recipes for Cataclysm will finally come to fruition. I highly recommend posting your auctions the night before. It will give auctioneers a solid lead over the casual AHers that are preparing at the very last minute. Be on the look out for classic recipes that aren't available through any means!

Winter Veil
Last year I posted a short entry concerning small eggs in regards to Winter veil. This year I will give a few more tips that will help bring in a few more gold coins to your pockets. If you haven't already then snatch/farm the following:

  1. Small Eggs
  2. Copper Bars
  3. Rugged Leather
  4. Wool Cloth(In bolts as well)
  5. Rune Cloth(In bolts as well)

The eggs are important as they are required to make gingerbread cookies and eggnog. Leatherworkers and tailors will need the copper bars, leather, wool and rune cloth to create Winter boots and Winter clothes. If you are a tailor make sure to grab the opposite faction's tailoring pattern(Green for Horde, Red for Alliance) as those outfits sell for far more.

All of these are necessary for players that wish to complete the 'Merrymaker' title. Which in turn is needed to finally accomplish the Meta achievement 'It's been a Long Strange Trip'.

An AHer can take it even further and sell small spices/milk/flour to the lazy and un-knowing players. Don't be shy and mark up the prices from silver up to gold for these items. Unfortunately your competitors will catch on fast so be quick to post them first.

Another thing to note is that if people are relentessly undercutting you then try a wall method. Undercut the lowest with multiples of 5, 10, and singles. Then, do the same for the middle and finally overcut the highest auction with the same amount of stacks. I have done this several times and it works rather well. Good luck!


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