Argus Mounts & Eggs

WoW Legion, World of Warcraft, Argus Eggs, Argus Mounts
Photo Credit: World of
Journeying to Argus brings new gear, new toys, quests, and also mounts. For the players that dislike using the Handy Notes addon this is an entry for you. It lists the locations of only the mounts and the mobs that drop them. I've also included a link to a spreadsheet that helps with nailing the respawn timers to be able to hunt down the mobs.

Locations and Mob Names for the Argus Mounts and Eggs

WoW Legion, World of Warcraft, Argus Eggs, Argus Mounts
We start off with the Mac'Agree Mounts and Eggs. Remember that  it is one lootable kill per day, per rare elite. Each have an estimated  5% drop rate.
WoW Legion, World of Warcraft, Argus Eggs, Argus Mounts
Our second journey takes you to the Antoran Waste Mounts and Eggs. If you have alts that can reach these areas it's advisable to log on to them to increase your chances of getting all the mounts.
WoW Legion, World of Warcraft, Argus Eggs, Argus Mounts
Finally, the remaining area is for the Krokuun Egg. Have a look below on how to better hunt down the rare spawns using a timer spreadsheet.

Argus Mounts Spawn and Despawn Timers

Thanks to the Secret Hunter's Discord there is a spreadsheet to keep track of the rare spawn timers. You can find the spreadsheet at the link below:

Argus Mounts Spawn Timers Spreadsheet

The new rares appear to have a 4-hour window after which each rare can spawn or despawn, unless it's the target for an active world quest. The spreadsheet itself is updated within 15-20 minutes of the new 4-hr window.

Use the spreadsheet in conjunction with an alarm clock, and an addon like Daily Global Check to track the rare elites you've looted on individual characters each day.

What do you do with the eggs once you find one?

Mouse over the eggs. The egg will have a duration timer of 5 days. Wait 5 days and you can hatch it with a chance for the mount drops.The eggs are fairly common from the rares that drop them. Don't get discouraged if the egg spoils. Simply go out and try again.

Happy Hunting!

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