Exploring while Waiting for Legion

World of Warcraft Legion Gnome Hunters
Gnome Hunters
World of Warcraft: Legion is approaching. A pre-patch date is yet to be announced but we do know that the PVP season is coming to an end on July 19th. Which has players speculating that the pre-patch may drop a few days afterward. Meanwhile, it's been fun playing on the PTR testing out the classes, invasions, and the new transmogrification system.

The picture above is of the new Gnome Hunters Class. The mechanical bunny comes default with the Gnome if you make a brand-new character. Otherwise, a player will have to hunt down this rare spawn mechanical pet. The mechanical sheep is known as the one that explodes if it manages to touch you from Elywnn Forest.
World of Warcraft Ghostlands
One of the features of the Legion expansion will be nicer graphics. I noticed while leveling that the old terrain textures were updated. This is especially apparent in Ghostlands or Stranglethorn Vale where the trees appear to be thin and made of paper. Now the trees in the forests are vibrant, robust, and round in diameter.
Stormwind Harbor
While heading out to find an invasion from the Burning Legion. I stopped over at Stormwind when I saw the view above. The weather effects)and passing of time from day to night) inside the game are much more visible. It feels as if a player's character is experiencing morning, afternoon, and night.
World of Warcraft Death Knight
No longer the only brooding class in the game with the arrival of Demon Hunters. The Death Knight still remains as the first Hero Class in WOW. This is a picture of my husband's Dwarf DK and my Nelf DK as they ride to Ironforge on the tram.
World of Warcraft Stormwind Park
Stormwind Park Reborn
Now this picture is a bit of a spoiler. I apologize if this ruins anything but it couldn't be helped. After Deathwing tore it apart; park re-construction came at a painfully slow pace. At long last in Legion we will be able to see it in a new glory. If you have a chance, when the pre-patch drops, make sure to stop by and have a look. There are a few Easter eggs within it.

Thanks for viewing!
-All My Alts

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