Game On: Naval Fleet to counter all missions with >90% Chance
A Patch 6.2 Guide with 3 Naval Fleet setups to help a player counter all missions with an 90% or above chance to succeed. Quick and easy. These are all designed to bring in maximum gold returns.
Human Battleship - First Strike, Evasive
Human Battleship - Swift, Minelayer
Pandaren Battleship - First Strike, Swift
Human Carrier - Icy Water, Minelayer
Pandaren Carrier - Swift, Evasive
Pandaren Carrier - First Strike, Evasive
Human Destroyer - Swift, Minelayer
Murloc Destroyer - First Strike, Evasive
Human Submarine - Stormy Weather, Swift
Human Submarine - Minelayer, Evasive
Dwarven Battleship - Swift, Minelayer
Dwarven Battleship - Cursed Crew, Stormy Weather
Dwarven Battleship - First Strike, Evasive
Pandaren Battleship - First Strike, Swift
Dwarven Carrier - Swift, Chaotic Whirlpools
Human Carrier - Swift, Evasive
Dwarven Destroyer - Cursed Crew, Minelayer
Human Destroyer - First Strike, Icy Water
Murloc Destroyer - Cursed Crew, Evasive
Dwarven Submarine - First Strike, Minelayer
Fleet Combination:
Dwarven Battleship - Swift, Minelayer
Dwarven Battleship - Stormy Weather, Cursed Crew
Pandaren Battleship - First Strike, Swift
Dwarven Carrier - Swift, Cursed Crew
Human Carrier - Swift, Evasive
Dwarven Destroyer - Cursed Crew, Minelayer
Human Destroyer - First Strike, Minelayer
Murloc Destroyer - Cursed Crew, Evasive
Dwarven Submarine - Swift, Minelayer
Human Submarine - Chaotic Whirlpools, Minelayer
Draenic = Orc
Night Elf = Blood Elf
Worgen = Tauren
Gnomish = Troll
Dwarven = Goblin
Q: What's the purpose of the first fleet setup ?
A: Having the ability to clear ALL the missions on the board, without loosing a single ship.
Q: What's the purpose of the second fleet setup ?
A: Having the ability to clear Gold & Siege (Blockade) missions on the board with the maximum dwarven bonus possible while keeping success chances >=90%.
Q: How did you arrive to that setup ?
A: Small code I wrote, that simulates various fleets against known missions. It does 100k random fleets per hour and keeps looking for a better one. After about a million fleets, I took the best one it found, and further optimized it via another code.
Q: Which Cache missions difficulties does it take into account ?
A: All difficulties has the same chances with this setup, keep in mind that Fleet#2 wasn't designed to counter them, so don't use it if you care about those missions.
Q: Is this the best setup one can get ?
A: Most probably not, the amount of combinations available are around 15 digits long, I cannot/would not compute this on my poor modern home PC. but it's definitely "good enough".
Q: I don't see "The Awakener" there, WTF ?
A: IKR, I didn't believe it too at first, but apparently another Human/Panda ship is better. Tried argue with the code I wrote, but I didn't found a bug (yet).
Q: I see "Human" crews, Is this Alliance only ?
A: Fleets was optimized for Alliance missions for coding simplicity, but I did test them on Horde missions and it works about the same there, just replace the Alliance crews with the Horde crews (i.e Human -> Undead)
Naval Fleet Credit: Nil at MMOChampion
Fleet setup #1 [>90% on All] missions:
Fleet Combination:Human Battleship - First Strike, Evasive
Human Battleship - Swift, Minelayer
Pandaren Battleship - First Strike, Swift
Human Carrier - Icy Water, Minelayer
Pandaren Carrier - Swift, Evasive
Pandaren Carrier - First Strike, Evasive
Human Destroyer - Swift, Minelayer
Murloc Destroyer - First Strike, Evasive
Human Submarine - Stormy Weather, Swift
Human Submarine - Minelayer, Evasive
Fleet setup #2 [>90% and Maximum gold returns on Gold, Siege and Gold Bonus] missions:
Fleet Combination:Dwarven Battleship - Swift, Minelayer
Dwarven Battleship - Cursed Crew, Stormy Weather
Dwarven Battleship - First Strike, Evasive
Pandaren Battleship - First Strike, Swift
Dwarven Carrier - Swift, Chaotic Whirlpools
Human Carrier - Swift, Evasive
Dwarven Destroyer - Cursed Crew, Minelayer
Human Destroyer - First Strike, Icy Water
Murloc Destroyer - Cursed Crew, Evasive
Dwarven Submarine - First Strike, Minelayer
Fleet setup #3 [>90% on Gold, Siege, Bonus and Cache missions:
Fleet Combination:
Dwarven Battleship - Swift, Minelayer
Dwarven Battleship - Stormy Weather, Cursed Crew
Pandaren Battleship - First Strike, Swift
Dwarven Carrier - Swift, Cursed Crew
Human Carrier - Swift, Evasive
Dwarven Destroyer - Cursed Crew, Minelayer
Human Destroyer - First Strike, Minelayer
Murloc Destroyer - Cursed Crew, Evasive
Dwarven Submarine - Swift, Minelayer
Human Submarine - Chaotic Whirlpools, Minelayer
If you are Horde then simply switch races to the following:
Human = UndeadDraenic = Orc
Night Elf = Blood Elf
Worgen = Tauren
Gnomish = Troll
Dwarven = Goblin
Naval Fleet Questions & Answers:
Q: What's the purpose of the first fleet setup ?
A: Having the ability to clear ALL the missions on the board, without loosing a single ship.
Q: What's the purpose of the second fleet setup ?
A: Having the ability to clear Gold & Siege (Blockade) missions on the board with the maximum dwarven bonus possible while keeping success chances >=90%.
Q: How did you arrive to that setup ?
A: Small code I wrote, that simulates various fleets against known missions. It does 100k random fleets per hour and keeps looking for a better one. After about a million fleets, I took the best one it found, and further optimized it via another code.
Q: Which Cache missions difficulties does it take into account ?
A: All difficulties has the same chances with this setup, keep in mind that Fleet#2 wasn't designed to counter them, so don't use it if you care about those missions.
Q: Is this the best setup one can get ?
A: Most probably not, the amount of combinations available are around 15 digits long, I cannot/would not compute this on my poor modern home PC. but it's definitely "good enough".
Q: I don't see "The Awakener" there, WTF ?
A: IKR, I didn't believe it too at first, but apparently another Human/Panda ship is better. Tried argue with the code I wrote, but I didn't found a bug (yet).
Q: I see "Human" crews, Is this Alliance only ?
A: Fleets was optimized for Alliance missions for coding simplicity, but I did test them on Horde missions and it works about the same there, just replace the Alliance crews with the Horde crews (i.e Human -> Undead)
Naval Fleet Credit: Nil at MMOChampion
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