Warcraft Quick Tips: 3 Best Lovely Charm Farm Spots

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(¸.·´ (¸.* World of Warcraft Quick Tips

Welcome to All My Alts quick tips. A new section that will hopefully help to ease or enhance your World of Warcraft game. Let's get started:

One charm, two, or a hundred within minutes
Climb aboard the Lovely Charm Farm train with All My Alts! Love is in the Air or is it? When it comes to grinding out charms to make purchases a player wants the easiest or fastest spots.

Nearly endless amounts of charms. Keep your eye on the Spawnmob
1.) Crypt of the Forgotten Kings
One of the best placees to farm is the scenario, "Crypt of Forgotten Kings". The trick to this is to allow the Sha pools (Manual link to creature: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=61709) to live so that they continue to spawn. In this final room look for the three mobs that spawn adds. Keep in a fight with them and kill the living spawns.You can kill the adds without hurting the Spawnmob.

2.) Stormstout Brewery
The second best place to farm is the Stormstout Brewery after the first boss. Set the dungeon to non-heroic.
The trick here is to get the endless spawn of hopplings which will happen so long as you do not engage the second boss.

Valley of Four Winds - turtle grind spot ahead
3.) Valley of Four Winds
The mobs we are looking for are called, "Razorback Snapper".  The spawn rate of the turtles is near instant. You'll find yourself unable to kill the newly spawned ones before you are done with the group that you've rounded up. 

Good luck! Remember that AOE classes are best suited to these endeavors. Also don't forget to pop a potion of luck to help with the grind where appropriate. 

Thanks for reading,
All My Alts


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