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(¸.·´ (¸.* Summer days are finally here. For myself, it means not having to get up early for classes(I do not miss that one bit) and cranking up the air conditioner for the hot weather. Of course, it also means that I have more time to dedicate to raising up my army of alts. Thanks to the new 5.3 patch, our grind from L85 to L90 was cut short. I can actually
see progress on my experience bar as I level. Amazing!
Transmog Runs:
ICC5 Heroics with Emo banshee |
Clash of the titans?! |
Galaxy Express in Ulduar |
Apart from leveling my alts there was also the small trips into old raids/dungeons to look for that elusive piece of clothing for a decent transmog. From ICC5 heroics to walking through Ulduar 25 the weekly visits to these past places have been a blast. Lately, the trips into these random dungeons have been for my characters to find their transmog.. My husband has all of his alts in spiffy outfits. Why am I the one without the fashion sense? No fair!
Cataclysm Leveling again? No way:
Pre-made Isle of Conquest.Those are all Horde banners. |
Farming Alliance at our graveyard with style! |
Thrall...really? Stop posing. I want to punt you off this cliff. |
The Fire Lord has RISEN! |
Cataclysm leveling. I can summarize that experience in one word, "Urgh!" No matter the nerfs to the leveling process all across the board. The fact still remains that we must slog through the Cata levels all the same. Can you tell? I'm not a fan of the leveling zones. There is something about the linear process that simply irks me to no end. It feels like I have all of my choices taken from me on where to go to level. So far I have completely pet-battled and batlleground my way through those five levels. Speaking of battlegrounds.... I have to say that the Isle of Conquest pre-made in the pictures was glorious. I couldn't believe my good luck that I had stumbled into that kind of thing via the random battleground finder. It was so much fun to win!
Thanks for reading! I'll have more snapshots to share this Sunday.
-All My Alts
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