Snapshots: Shenanigans

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The month is flying fast. Not too long ago I was chomping at the bit to be able to properly level my alts in the game. Now it seems there is way too much to do all around! Quite honestly, it's not a complaint but a compliment. It took a bit of learning but I finally figured out how to not feel 'socially pressured' to do everything at once on a single character. My playtime is my own. I won't let anyone else dictate how I enjoy it. Speaking of enjoyment --


Bones, bodies, and a T-Rex. Oh my!
My poor warlock's body is in there...can you find it?
The joke here is that we killed him but he rezzed at the Spirit Healer.
On Dino Island there is a chance for Oondasta to appear on your server. This Dino boss is an oncoming train of pain! What you're seeing above is three different raids of 40 people being flattened in seconds by this monstrosity. The story behind the pictures? We got him down to 19% and then the server crashed. When the server came back up the boss was no where to be found. I have no words to describe the rage I was feeling. The anger didn't last very long. Five minutes later I was laughing and shaking my fist at the screen. Oondasta, my revenge will be swift and fierce!

Solo Scenario:

I have Lothermar all to myself. Muahahah!
It's dangerous to fly alone.
Blue, Mean, and Ugly.
Savior of the new Blood Elf section. Time for more dailies.
Wyrmrest Accord is about to enter Phase 3 on the Thunder Isle. Before that, we had opened up the second phase via a scenario that has to be done solo! Really Blizzard? First you state that World of Warcraft is a multi-player game with a huge emphasis on grouping. The next thing we know your team of developers are throwing out solo scenarios and events like the Brawler guild? Stop being a flip-floppity pancake. If making that type of decision is too hard might I suggest dungeon scaling? The newer MMOs have it and it makes sense to scale the dungeons/scenarios based on how many people are in the party. Certainly it would make a great deal of players happy.

Thunder King LFR Raid:

More big, mean, and ugly trolls. Except this one is a boss.Literally.
The Death Bridge.Oh Blizzard how you secretly laugh at our demise.
This one is not a boss but he's huge!
Dinobot boss. This fight is so much fun.
Strangely enough it wasn't my healer that was doing normal raids (up until the newest patch) that is stepping into the Thunderking raid in LFR firsthand but rather my bank alt warlock. Delicacy is no longer affliction(it still remains her main spec) but is now running amuck as destruction.

Troll boss in a nutshell: The first boss is easy enough. As DPS you need to stand in the water pools for a damage boost. When the boss summons his lightning strike the player needs to immediately move away before it strikes. There's also a debuff to watch out for that chases you. If you get that, quickly run it along the wall and out of the raid. If the room feels up with water(and it's prone to do that in LFR) and is struck with lightning then stack up on the tanks/healers for AOE heals.

Bridge boss: Okay, it's technically not a boss. However it might as well be. That section is a killer. Make sure the tanks do not overpull. It's not Mogushan vaults anymore! Be wary of everything and do not be carried away or run through the pillars of moving blue. Also, don't stand in front of that huge troll mini-boss. He has a nasty cleave.

Dinobot boss: I know, I know. That's not his name but I think it fits. What a fun fight. As DPS you want to always make sure to avoid both his front and his back. He has a double damage dealing attack that hits both areas. Stay to his side at all times. The main tank should be taking the dino boss to each individual door. Adds pour out from the door. The off tank should be picking up the adds. Focus down the adds. If a Dinomender comes out you want to interupt any heals he casts. This makes him top add priority. Once the first door is down the main tank moves the boss to the next door and so on. It's mostly repeating in LFR - adds > boss, adds > boss. My advice is to interupt(Dinomenders and the Poison priests especially) as often as you can. 

I forgot to take a picture of the council fight as it turned out to be pretty hectic. I also  may end up making a LFR guide for those that need a nutshell summary of what happens inside. Look forward to it at a later time.

Thanks for reading!
-All My Alts


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