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(¸.·´ (¸.* (*Sings*) Patch day, patch day! Happy, happy WOW play!
It's been a few days since the dawn of the patch. I've been excitedly running around everywhere. From the new Thunder Isle, poking legendary pets, trying out the new normal raid, and also visiting Isle of Giants...there is so much to do!
Thunder Isle: more dailies...yay? |
The first day of the patch I headed over to Thunder Isle. As expected, the entire questing hub was over run with hundreds of curious players. Mobs that died on the spot then re-spawned nearly seconds apart. It was some crazy fun. My first order of business was to spend my valor. Delicacy headed over to the Shado-pan offensive vendor and purchased a ilevel 522 necklace at nuetral. (*Pets the necklace*) It's currently her new precious item.
Are you really my void lord, little roach? |
The questing hubs seem interesting enough. The first part of the island is sectioned off into various parts: troll, undead, mogu, saurok. The saurok section is the most fun. I absolutely love the spell that turns a player into one of the saurok and give the ability to jump supremely high distances with it. Of course, this comes with a rather bad side too. I accidently jumped clear across the way and into a part of the island I wasn't suppose to be in at the time. Let's just say that I met with a gruesome death.
The hunter saurok and his pocket healer. |
Delicacy wasn't the only character of mine to visit the island. Of course I had to bring my holy paladin when my husband got home(He plays an orc hunter) from work. The first thing he said was, 'New dailies time!' He also enjoyed being turned into a saurok. Lucky him, his pet turned into a basilisk of doom. Deli's void lord had turned into a cockroach of all things.
Haywire: Rare spawn |
When I was wandering around on Delicacy in awe of the island I heard on general chat about a group of people hunting down the new rare spawns. Now that part I had no idea about so I joined up for the fun. We ran across so many different rare spawns it was an amazing experience. We were neck to neck against the Alliance. Of course we found out later that the rares share no faction tag. This didn't stop either side from trying to reach the rares first. It was a fun free for all. I particularly love that one of the rares spawns(Haywire) had dropped a new mini-pet for me!
Epic pet battle |
Speaking of mini-pets... there are a ton of new pets to battle on the island. I still haven't had a chance to properly hunt them all down. I'm particularly pleased with the new skin of the frogs. What an amazing difference from the squared pixel look of the older frog models. Too bad Blizzard hasn't decided to fully update the visuals of the character models yet. I feel that apart from my Panda priest that my other characters will look really outdated when standing next to the new pet models.
Currently this is my desktop wallpaper. |
Currently the Alliance and Horde are pretty close to unlocking the second phase of the island. I imagine we will have it by the end of today. I'm not really fond of dailies but it seems this reputation grind is pretty fun. I've already achieved honored and purchased a new belt for my Belfadin. I'm looking forward to seeing what is behind the locked gate for the new section. It's the same feeling of accomplishment I had when I was helping to unlock the Queldanas island. For some reason it just feels nice to be a part of a joint faction effort instead of a singular entity going about their merry way.
Now if I can only find that fabled warlock quest book to drop...
Thanks for reading!
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