Snapshots for February 2013

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(¸.·´ (¸.* Snapshots for February 2013

Part One:

Ah the month of February in World of Warcraft. A time of great anticipation for the incoming Throne of Thunder patch, the Love is in the Air event, and for myself, a huge cold.

Why so long queue? Q_Q
You know it's a going to be a long queue time when the average wait time is a fantasy estimate. By the time I entered into this particular LFR it had been nearly an hour long wait for a single healer.  I can't blame them. Healing the first part of Heart of Fear is a major pain with a bad LFR group.

Ulduar 25-man achievement run, yay!
What does one do while looking for a new Alliance guild group to run amuck with in-game? Find fun but busy work with achievement runs of course! Currently I am running with a weekly 25-man Ulduar group to get our rusted proto-drake mount. Even at level 90 the mechanics are hard to deal with in fights alike Mimeron and Yoggsaron. Still the hard work will pay off once we all have our shiny new proto-drake mount.

Even pandas need to cruise
Mists of Pandaria is now being dubbed as the 'alt-killer' expansion pack. The core of the reason being the gated reputations coupled with the vast amount of dailies, scenarios, and heroics needed to hit the weekly valor cap. I had to make the decision to not formally raid due to the fact that I love leveling various alts. It was either, stick to a main, and only that main character, or continue leveling alts. I opted for the latter. I cannot in good conscience dedicate myself to a sole character for raiding. Exploring and playing the game on various alts is something I enjoy. Running heroics, scenarios, and dailies each day without fail just to keep up with my former raiding team is something I cannot stand to do without going crazy. So this expansion may well be an 'alt-killer' to some players but for myself; it's a main-killer. Yet in reality, this is something I do not mind one bit. Bring on the alts!

Even Nelfs want to be with all the cool Hordies!
Currently, I am attempting to level my first hunter character. There are certain classes I have never gotten to max level. Yesterday, I hit level 90 on my first rogue toon. Yay! Next on the list is hunter. I'm particularly fond of this girl. She is in reality a goblin with a penchant for mischief and fire. I play her on a roleplaying server so it's fun wreaking havoc in the smallest ways possible. For example, putting on a Faded wizard's hat and strutting about as a Night elf in the Orgrimmar capital.

*cackle* I am hardcore but frilly!
The Empress of the Mantid. When I first learned about her during the reputation grind for the Klaxxi I envisioned a fierce but beautiful bug. Instead, I discover she is a very old and cowardly hag. I suppose this is a result of being possessed and manipulated by the Sha of Fear. She also isn't as intimidating as I believe an empress should be but her fight is annoying as all get out. A huge chuck of it is that some tanks forget to taunt switch before five stacks. During this particular run I died three times because of a MCed tank. The agony!

My dollie, so precious.
Despite my sudden wrestling bout with a bad cold I did manage to play for a little bit here and there. I do miss raiding with my Alliance group but I feel that I have much more freedom in-game now. No longer do I have to meet the weekly valor cap. Heroics, LFR, scenarios and dailies are something I can do at my own leisure. Hopefully soon I'll be able to find another Alliance group to casually run with but until then I am content simply playing the game. Logging in every now and again without the social restrictions imposed on a player to keep up with a progressive raiding team has led to a very alt-friendly game. And you know me, I do so love my cadre of alts.

Due to my illness(still sick but doing better)I wasn't able to post as regularly. My apologies! I'll have a second part to the Snapshots coming up as well as a few ventures into new sections such as NPC confessions and Roleplaying do's and do nots.

Thanks for reading!


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