Snapshots: June mayhem

Nefarion Downed: After two days of pure chaos(and drama caused by the Guild Master) the big bad dragon's life was ended. This took place on the Darrowmere server which isn't known for any server firsts(or even twelfths...fourteenths...) but it felt nice being able to help this guild out to accomplish this feat. Not many on that server can say that BWD was cleared to that point. Good job, Final Judgment!

Speaking of Darrowmere - I've only played Alliance alts on that server when I can spare the time from my main realm. It was time to roll a Horde alt! Not wanting to start from scratch I chose a goblin girl DK. In the first picture she is sitting on a giant fruit in Sholazar Basin and in the second picture? I have no idea how her flying mount ended up becoming a mage from Dalaran but there you see one of the oddest glitches ever. Mary Goblin Poppins anyone?

Firelands was almost upon us and my Hordies were far behind in the questlines to access the new daily hub area. My husband and I decided to buckle down and get the Hyjal area quests out of the way.  Ragnaros is one awesome sight to behold in the end questline. I can't wait to see him in the Firelands raid(with legs even o.O).

So pardon the spoiler if you haven't done the Firelands quests yet...but Thrall proposes to Aggra. Hah! Take that, Thrall/Jaina shippers! (*runs away*) Seriously, it was a beautiful questline full of clever lines and action scenes. Some of the scenes were even laced with subtle religious undertones. At the end of it we are given a treat; a wedding scene! However,  what happened to that ceremony we were suppose to witness beforehand? The one that had everyone gathered together in Hyjal in the first place?

Thanks for reading!


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