Snapshots: Love is in the Air

Love is in the Air was a bit bugged this year but Blizzard decided to extend the holiday just a bit to smooth over their mistakes with goblin vendors not allowing certain purchases to be made. This was a happy welcome to this late player whom had a bunch of tough exams in the same week. I spent the last three days of the holiday attempting to put together charm bracelets, hunting down a orc death knight, and figuring out why my priestess was getting smashed to kiss one ugly gnome in Ironforge. She truly regretted it in the morning...

Hopefully your Valentine's Day was full of fun(and chocolates) whether you celebrated it or not. My favorite moment of all was realizing that a player could toss chocolates at Greymane and Varian. Seriously, it made an interesting scene with poor Anduin taking it all in stride.

Happy Adventuring in Azeroth!


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