Walking a Lonely Road...

I walk a lonely road amongst my World of Warcraft friends. I play both Horde and Alliance alts. At first I hadn't noticed that I was the only one that played both sides. One day, I would jump on a Night Elf druid to run heroics and the next I would be pvping on my Tauren shaman. Each time, I had friends that would greet and meet up with me for play. Not once did it cross my mind that I was the only one whom played both Alliance and Horde. The day I noticed was when I asked a few of them who their opposite faction alts were so I could befriend them. Instead of a list of cute, funny, or egotisical names, I received responses of surprise(and in some cases, disgust):

Alliance buddy: "Eww, you play Horde?!"
Horde friend: "WTF you have an Alliance!?!"
Either side pal: "I don't play <insert opposite faction>."
Either side chum: "...I think we have a traitor here."

In a lot of their cases my friends do not have the time to play more than one character much less attempt to create a toon on the opposite side of the fence. Being a happy advocate of IRL > pixels I completely understand their decision. However, it's the friends that do have the time, that choose not to try out the other side that I feel are missing out on a huge chunk of the World of Warcraft story.

Alliance friends would never experience the tragic story of Mankrik and his fallen wife. Nor would they set foot in the lush plains of Mulgore to shockingly witness the Explorers League recklessly digging up sacred land for artifacts. The presence of a dedicated Blood Elf magistrate attempting to find a natural cure for her race's magick addiction in Thousand Needles would go un-discovered. As would the endearing epic questline(disappearing in Cata) to bring Thrall back home to Nagrand. Not to forget to mention the first encounter of Saurfang the Younger.

Horde buddies will never deliver a deed to a farm to a certain famous family in Westfall. The great Hogger will remain un-challenged in the forest of Elywnn. The startling story of Nathanos Marris, the first and last Human ranger lord of Lordaeron will never be un-veiled. The quirky adventures of Gaxim Rustfizzle will never be experienced. Nor will they follow and uncover the tragic storyline of the Hyal family in Dustwallow Marsh. Monty and Nipsy will never hand them Deeprun rat kabobs as they run to catch a ride on the Deeprun tram. Nom nom!

Of course it is their freedom to play how they want to play the game just as it's my freedom to play both sides. Neither of us are wrong. I just feel that it would make the game a lot more fun if they did give the opposite side a chance. If only so that I wouldn't have to walk this lonely road by myself.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. My husband and I are the same way! We both have a few alts on both sides, and our friends freak out when we mention the other side I find it kind of silly actually. Now I am in no way a great player, (I haven't played in a month or two now) but I do enjoy being able to play with one set of friends and when I get tired of them, play with another.

  2. One of the reasons I created Horde toons was to know that side of the game as well. I feel that if you don't know the other side, then you don't really know the game. Miss you guys!

  3. SWalker: Haha, yeps! Me too, I think they are silly. I just don't get the reactions to playing opposite sides of a faction/clan. They boggle my mind. xD

    Deiandra: Well said, and I'm really glad you are now playing Horde-side too. ^.^


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