Cute and Random

 Cute button thingie. I tried to make it look a bit like a comic book panel. Now, no, despite my best efforts to convince Blizzard that the pug should be available as an epic class for Cataclysm. The puppy is not one of my alts. He's just too cute to not show off. :3

 "I will stay with him. Until he realizes he is not alone. Until his sorrow is no more. I will stay by his side. There is no sorrow that never ceases." - Hitome, from Escalflowne

The quote is what I imagine Fallingsnow would say to someone that questions her stubborn devotion to rescue her brother from scourge influence. It's a teaser of sorts of the next fanfiction I am working on for the coming new year. As always, click the picture for full-size. It's kinda big though but looks nice in my opinion but of course that's just me being biased. ^.^;

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