Dear So and So...

Dear Guild

It's been a few months since we've been together. I think about three? Yet we we are still stuck on the same content. Even with the 30% lol buff that Blizzard graciously bestowed upon all. We cannot down bosses that PUGS are capable of conquering. As time flows onward it seems we are back tracking even more. Honestly, it leaves me with an empty feeling inside. There were two goals I had wanted to accomplish on my druid before retiring her after five long years; loremaster and the Kingslayer titles. The latter is not going to happen is it? No, no, of course not. I never once thought we could.

Sure, I am placing a lot of blame. I don't mean to be that way. Please understand I am frustrated. Yes, yes, I know we have had our share of pitfalls. The first with our raid leader being pulled away through no fault of his own. The second with a fail replacement off-tank that couldn't find the time to enchant his crap proper. He had berserker on his mace for cripes sake... The third that we could never find a core group to progress into content with at hand. Always we are with someone new and have to re-learn strats and teamplay over and over again. The fourth the ultimate of all -- drama. It just never stops does it? And the fifth being exhaustion. Alot of us are simply tired now and do not even want to log in to raid.

Alot of that is uncontrollable but a great deal could have been handled differently. Looking forward into the future I see a shaky road ahead of us. Are we going to follow you into the Cata EP? Not sure. We would love to be with you but with how things are going... well, it's only going to get harder. If we simply cannot smack the current content with the enormous buff from the Devs than the content in Cata will be far beyond our reach. Which doesn't bode well for us wanting to stay...


For the love of pixels make up your freaking minds about wanting me to heal or tank! Honestly I was happier never knowing that I could tank. When I volunteered that first time to tank it was because the GM made it clear that he hated tanking when the MT wasn't around. He made it so loud and apparent it was ruining everyones mood. Even though I was terrified out of my freaking mind I gave up heals to be an offtank to spare the raid that kind of feeling. I did my best to perform to your perfect expectations as I was tossed into raids with no experience at tanking whatsoever. And I kept my silence as you all either praised me in fake tones for being a good offtank or utterely made me feel like crap for not pulling a mob off of you because you all decided to attack it without me establishing aggro first.

And I respec'd so much for you guys. Over and over again from tree to boomkin to feral withuot a word. I blew over 20K in gold to get the right pieces to complete my tank set because you all thought that kitty gear was the same as bear tank gear. I spent badges and more gold on enchants, trinkets, and gems. This doesn't even include the stacks of glyphs I went through for switching between trash and boss fights. Not to mention the flasks I had to farm apart from the spellpower one I usually carried. I did all of this without a word and not once did  you all make me feel like it was worth it.

Only for you to turn around and start to replace me with another druid who was obviously trying to take my place. Why? Simply because you knew him before? It makes it okay to play around with my character that way?! To start making plans behind my back and again without asking what I felt?! Angry, betrayed, that doesn't even begin to touch the surface of how I feel about it all. I like to tank and heal but I was so much happier never knowing this fact. I may owe the liking of tanking to you but nothing more. And now when you guys try to get me to offtank despite that I know I was going to be replaced... I dont want to ever do it again for you. I am glad that our DK offered to help me out by being the new offtank. He and the MT are the only ones that know how much it hurt to be used by you all.

Dear Tyrannus from Pit of Saron and Lady Deathwhisper from lower ICC

I HATE you both with a fiery passion that rivals the hottest active volcano. All I need is a new pair of boots but NOOOOOOO you two simply won't drop them for me will you?!! Thanks to the ultra level of evil RNG that you both exhibit I am forced to walk around in Ulduar ilevel 226 crafted boots. And with no thanks to you both I am now a mere two months away from the newest EP that renders ICC level gear useless! So crafting those ilevel 264 rep boots is a complete waste! I sincerely hope you both die in the most terrible way a pixel can because I am one disgruntled tree lady.

Dear World of Warcraft

For many years you have provided me with fun, frustration, joy, and sorrow. Together we've had a great time together and have been through many ups and downs. Yet I feel we must part a bit...just a little, mind you. Think of it as 'time apart' from each other. Why? Well, if you must know I have found another MMO. It's called Lords of the Ring Online and just recently it went to a F2P platform. Which means I can emmerse myself in a true fantasy roleplaying adventure with stunning graphics without shelling out subscription fees. Sure there is an online store but mostly decorative stuff. And it has housing! Can you imagine? Instanced housing that my lover and I can romp around in without anyone else disturbing our roleplay! So far I am loving it and I may not ever feel the same about you again.  Don't despair though dear World of Warcraft as we can still be good friends! <3


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