Gold Guide: How the Price of Herbs Affect Glyphs

World of Warcraft Gold Guide

Currently the most popular glyphs selling on my server are anything to do with Death Knights, Hunters, and Paladins. Who would have guessed the three most easiest classes to level would be the first choice to reach the top of the leveling chain on a new PVE realm? Yes, that was sarcasm. At any rate the glyphs fly out the AH window. A few of the competition have also noticed this and have begun posting the cookie cutter glyphs at about 12G to 25G a piece. I do try to keep the cookie cutter glyphs higher but will often put up a glyph wall to forceback the competition's prices to their default setting. I then swoop in and undercut them by two silver. Wow do they ever get angry when that happens. I have yet to be nerdraged about in trade chat so I must try harder to grate on their nerves.

Speaking of which there is a herbalist/goblin that has taken ahold of the northrend herbal niche. For a week this person has single-handedly held the NR herb market at a monopoly with high prices. I am talking about 50G per stack of Tiger Lily, Adder's Tongue, Lichbloom and so on. Most of the people have been in a tizzy as the newblet scribes and alchemists are use to snatching up the herbs at 5G a stack. Now that they have to actually spend money to make money it has either drived them out of the AH completely or has forced them to start posting items at a resonable price. I still don't understand why some post an item at a price just outside of crafting range but that's not here or there. For myself, I have sent this person a heartfelt "THANK YOU" letter from one of my bank alts. If it wasn't for this person holding the herb market at bay the prices of glyphs would have crashed a lot sooner than I had been anticipating. It has also driven up sales for alchemy consumables to a decent rate.

So Tillythehun, thanks again! (*Salutes*)You're a money savior and respected goblin.


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