Another Bad Streak of Luck with Warcraft Guilds

Warcraft Guilds

Dear Æternum,

When I was first invited into your guild by a 'friend' I was first given the five star treatment due to lack of active players. Sweet talk and excited chatter were tossed my way. I was assured that a restoration druid would be needed. This was great, or so I thought. At the time I had already left an elitist prick of a guild that thought they knew what they were doing but most certainly did not. At any rate, once invited I was further guaranteed that many raid spots were open to not only my self but also to any family and friends that wished to join up. Fantastic, is what I had believed. I was again informed that tanks and ranged DPS were more than welcome as well. Therefore I thought it would be a nice place to invite my husband and awesome friend to the guild. Little did I know that all of it was lies.

There is no raid spots for restoration druids. Scratch that, there is no raid spot for an experienced healer that is geared for the newest content. Instead, there is a spot for an idiot who ass kisses and openly admits to buying gold/accounts, the GM herself(I'm guessing female? The voice on Vent was rather scratchy and deep) with a rather craptastic resto spec, and a complete scrub in blues(again, with a craptastic healing spec). Can we say, craptastic?

There is no open slot for a tank. Hmm, I should amend that completely. There is no spot for an experienced paladin tank that is geared for new content that is well known on the official Warcraft forums for giving superb advice and has guides to tanking stickied by actual Blues at the top of the pally tank forum. Spots are available, however, for a paladin tank that has been openly mocked on the same forums for being a baddie(idiot..whichever fits your taste), a warrior tank that has no idea how to gem for his class, and another paladin offtank(very bad, very squishy) that constantly whines about having to tank the smallest of trash adds.

There is no raid spot for a capable ranged DPS that more than knows their class inside/out. Can we see the pattern I am making here? Yep, you guessed it! Many DPS spots are open for the most incapable DPS ever to exist in the game. Switch targets? What the hell is that? Focus fire on a single target? I dunno what to do! Do not stand in the fire. Ahhhhh! I'm on fire!  Seriously I could go on...

I had thought (for the third time) that I had found a good guild but it couldn't be further from the truth. The special character in the guild name itself should have thrown me a clue. However I wanted to believe that there is another place for my Alliance main to belong. Stupidly I was blinded by false promises. Pretty much I was told that the only way to raid in that guild was by being a possible substitute to maybe one day step in as an alt in the case a core member did not show up. The same applied to my husband as a stand-by tank.

Folks, this is a freaking casual guild that believes it's absolutely stellar that they were able to down the first wing of ICC 10-man with T10 Puggers. They have no idea just how much they were carried through that wing by the skilled players. It's laughable yet almost depressing how these same people want us to be possible subs for their subpar asses. If my husband and I had wanted to be a 'stand-in' for a core member then we would return to our old progressive guild that was in the top U.S. twenty-five. I'd be a stand-in for a person that knows their game rather than someone who does not.

I know, I know. I do have a bit of an elitist attitude when it comes to bad players versus good players. Yet despite that and the annoying people in that guild we were willing to be a part of  it. We gave it an honest try and did our best to fit in but it was clear that they just didn't want to see us as people. All we wanted was a chance to be a part of the team and not seen as just another number in the roster. Really, it gets me down. I'm seriously beginning to rethink the Alliance-side on this server. Actually I am starting to feel as if I should give up on raiding entirely whether casual or progressive. Jumping around from guild to guild is not working out.

And finally because of my bad streak of luck with guilds I also begin to wonder if this game is any fun at all.


  1. Hugs!!!!! It was not fair at all for them to fill your heads full of crap that they were not going to follow through with. Unfortunately though I feel most guilds are guilty of that. I think the definition of recruiting is, lie your ass off to get them to join us! Thank goodness its super easy to gquit as soon as you realize they are full of shit. Don't think everyone on the Alliance side is bad. Its just much harder to find skilled and nice players like you and Lightbeard.

  2. I am so sorry you were promised things they were never going to deliver. I believe the definition of recruiting is lie you ass off and fill their head with bullshit to get them to join all the while knowing what you have promised will never happen. Most all the guilds do that. Hell, most all recruiters do that. Fortunatley its super easy to just gquit. I wish I could help out, but I have the same problems. I have since left the guild as well. Keep your head up and the right guild will find a home for you guys. I am hoping for the same one day. Miss you guys!


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