Gold Guide: Dalaran Supply Flipping

World of Warcraft Gold Guide

A quick way to make gold on the side is to put up patterns that are in limited supply. What a person is banking on is that the buyer is exceptionally lazy or far too busy to go out to purchase these items. We are of course more than happy to provide the items for a modest(200 to 250% markup) price...
Beware the patterns that are BOP. You wouldn't want to end up spending on things you cannot sell.   

This limited supply patterns will be from Dalaran where both factions can purchase within the city. Please note that depending on your reputation with the Kirin Tor will keep prices at base value or if you are exalted with them it will give a discounted price. It pays to have good reputation!

World of Warcraft Gold Guide

Seller: Aerith Primrose 

[Bouquet of Black Roses]
Buy: 7g 14s 80c

[Bouquet of White Roses]
Buy: 4g 32s 84c

[Black Rose]
Buy: 2g 1s 84c

[Beautiful Wildflowers]
Buy: 82s 82c

[Red Rose]
Buy: 25s 95c

[Simple Wildflowers]
Buy: 4s 44c
World of Warcraft Gold Guide

Seller: Breanni 

[Albino Snake]
Buy: 50g

[Calico Cat]
Buy: 50g

[Obsidian Hatchling]Buy: 50g

World of Warcraft Gold Guide

Seller: Christi Stockton 

[Wine Glass]Buy: 11c

[Red Wine Glass]
Buy: 11c
World of Warcraft Gold Guide

Seller: Jepetto Joybuzz 

[Blue War Fuel] - Buy a stack of 20 then put them up in stacks of 4
Buy: 50s 
[Red War Fuel]  - Buy a stack of 20 then put them up in stacks of 4
Buy: 50s 

[Blue Clockwork Bot]  - Although the pet is unique you can still cage it and sell. Buy, cage. Sell!
Buy: 50g - It's best to have exalted reputation before buying this one.

World of Warcraft Gold Guide

Seller: Karandonna 

This person sells a wide variety of shirts. The ones that will sell are the ebon filigreed doublet/shirt and embroidered shirt. However, these come at hefty prices(especially the latter) so make sure to have exalted reputation to help with the price punch. Sell the embroidered shirt for 2000G and do not settle for anything less. It will sell but as always; patience is key.

World of Warcraft Gold Guide

Seller: Chameli Banapash 

[Violet Hat]
Buy: 96g 6s 68c

[Purple Turban] - this one occasionally sells but not very often. Buy at your discretion.
Buy: 174g 66s 65c
World of Warcraft Gold Guide

Seller: Angelique Butler 

[Antiseptic-Soaked Dressing]
Buy: 4g 32s 84c

[Wound Dressing]
Buy: 4g 32s 84c

[Dalaran Nurse's Gown] - Purchase this one if you are on a Roleplaying Server
Buy: 4g 32s 84c

World of Warcraft Gold Guide

Seller: Ainderu Summerleaf  - located in same store as the others but at the bottom.

[Pattern: Primal Mooncloth]
Buy: 4g 32s 84c

Seller: Lalla Brightweave - located in same store as the others to the right of Ainderu
[Pattern: Spellcloth]
Buy: 4g 32s 84c

Seller: Linna Bruder - located in same store as the others is up the stairs and to the left
[Pattern: Shadowcloth]
Buy: 4g 32s 84c


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