Photo-manipulations with World of Warcraft Artwork

A Blood Elf dressed up as Lara Croft

Whilst it seems that the reporters at the Eternity Gazette have seemingly taken a brief hiatus. The always mishievious FallingSnow has donned her adventuring hat to explore the wilds of Azeroth. Wild Elekks couldn't stop this brave eflie as she sets out on an expedition to recover a mysterious artifact called the "Ancient Cookie" from the lost tomb of Zualotec, in the wilds of Stranglethorn Vale. Will she succeed in acquiring the "Ancient Cookie"? Time will only tell...

A Blood Elf dancer at a night club

GoGo Belf Dancer: What can I say? I'm a huge fan of the male blood elves and love picturing them in all sorts of 'MEOW' situations.

A Night Elf dances in the Sun

Playing in Sunshine: Sometimes one has to drop the problems of the world in order to simply have fun. This Nelf is certainly frolicking with nature at its finest!
A female warlock plays with fire

And this fiery beauty is my warlock, Fay. Which is of course a short version for Morganna le Fay. I actually was going to put in her snotty little imp, Quzkin, but he's very camera-shy.

Paladin brother and sister unite in battle

So what does a Paladin sister do when her brother is turned into a DK? Defend him or slay the Scourge scum on the spot? What a moral problem!

Orc and Blood Elf romance

A teaser for an upcoming story involving the relationship between an Orc and a Blood Elf. It is stressful to go against what society dictates as the norm to try to embrace the love within...

Blood Elf wearing a bikini at a tropical landscape
I've been playing around with the WoW Modeler once again to make a romanctic vacation picture.

A female Human wearing a cop outfit
Itzy is my one and only warrioress. She's a bit of ditz in that the poor girl is always looking for love in all the wrong places. Never mind that her true love is right in front of her eyes...

Tauren and Troll dancing with Christmas decorations

Happy Holidays: Made last Christmas
Dwarf Hunter and a Polar Bear pet
A hunter and his bear... one of my friends mentioned I should make a Christmas card out of it. I can't help but smile at the thought of doing so!

WoW Hunter with his bear pet
This one is a teaser of sorts for one of my fanfic stories: Here without you

Draenei warriors prepare for battle in World of Warcraft Artwork

When the last One Falls: This picture is of my husband's character, Aedan, and my own, Avengelyne.


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