New Caves popping up for the Legion Invasion event

Stormheim, Legion Invasion, wowlegion, worldofwarcraft

There's subtle changes occurring at Stormheim where players frequent to complete Direbeak Falcosaur World Quests in World of Warcraft Legion.

Stormheim,falcosaur, world quest, wowlegion, worldofwarcraft
Picture taken by Chowimon.
According to Reddit user Chowimon he was completing a Falcosaur World Quest in Stormheim when he happened to come across something strange. The area where he was questing at seemed different from what he recalled. At first he had thought something was off but to make sure he double-checked the area(pictured above) to see if his instinct was right
Stormheim,falcosaur, world quest, wowlegion, worldofwarcraft
I've circled on his second screencap the new change. The road that extends forward now is a ramp that goes upward. This ramp leads to a new cave system. There is also a new cave system in the High Mountain Falcosaur area as well. These caves are not the only ones as a number of them have been added for the Legion Invasion event and are also filled with drakes.

Knowing this much at this early of a stage we can probably expect new World Quests that will take us there in the near future.

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