Dear So and So...

Welcome to another edition of 'Dear So and So', an often sadistic, offhand, silly, facepalm moment, open letter to people/things I encounter in World of Warcraft.

Dear Ma'am Badadin(holy paladin) in my guild,

for the love of all that's good and true in this world; please stop being bad! I am tired of sitting on my hands as I watch you constantly run out of mana on the most simple of raid fights. I am sick of reading 'Holy Paladin lay on hands for 15345 on ####' when that person is at full(To that matter, please stop using it on yourself when you are at 95%) health. Not to forget to mention that you love casting Holy Radiance while standing in the very back corner away from anyone that can benefit from it. Oh, and then you have your addon display that you activate aura mastery on CD(even while buffing before a trash fight) in raid chat. Really? Do you honestly want to constantly point out your mistakes? It makes us all inwardly cry. Cry!

Adding insult to injury you recently race-changed from a draenei to a human. This in it self wouldn't have been remotely a problem except you happily crowed in vent - 'I changed to be Masaya!' You went as far to have the same faceplate, hair colour, and hairstyle, as my priestess. Why? Is it suppose to be flattery? Are you secretly hoping that by race-changing to an exact duplicate of my character that it will somehow transfer my healing skills to yourself? Talk about crappy theory! Then you admitted to me, "I needed the human spirit bonus so I won't OOM. Isn't that sad?" Ma'am Badadin, you have no clue just how much.

Listen Ma'am Badadin, there are a number of active and passive ways to regain mana through combat: spirit/intell ratio, replenishment from raid, judgement(Seal of Insight active), divine plea and melee swings(gasp) to name a few. Also, it's not cool to stack intellect and neglect spirit for mana regeneration. Just these few minor tweaks and your mana regen will be stellar. Except, you won't take advice will you? If someone hints that you could do something different you throw a literal tantrum and refuse to heal anyone in the raid. As if screaming in vent(literally) and refusing to heal guild mates will benefit the raid in some way.

I am honestly at my wits end trying to make up for the slack that this woman causes in the healing department. There are people that just need help to be better and then there are those that are bad and plain lazy. Ma'am Badadin chooses to be hopelessly the latter. So Dear Ma'am Badadin, please go back to your hunter.



  1. No no, can't put a name down and sign in as 'anon'. Please give me a hint here as to who you are? I'm honestly not good at guessing name games lol ^.^;

  2. Friends call me Maart if that tells you anything? ^.^

  3. Nothing at all(told you I was terrible at guessing), but I respect your privacy so I won't ask anything more. Hope you enjoy the blog and thank you for visiting!

  4. Ah, you arent Lady DF of Sim*-Lane?

    I have also been known to go under the nick zippah / zippz0r :)

  5. Haha yes I am! But please don't kill me when I tell you this but when you mentioned "maart" the other day? I actually turned to hubby and asked, "Maart? Do I know a Maart?" And he gave me a look like I was a fool, and said, "Yes, it's Maart." And I shook my head and couldn't put it together. And now that you mention 'zippah' I finally figured it all out. I am truly an idiot but I honestly am sorry! I was thinking that this anon-Maart person wants to only cause trouble for some reason. (headdesks) Please forgive me!

    Wow, but it's really you, Maarten!!! (dances) I'm so happy! And despite what it looks like I really have missed you! What are you up too? Is your email addy the same? I know you hate emails but can I email you if that's ok?

  6. Hahahaha, awesome! :)
    That was some of the point of the anonymity, to see what you remembered ;) But i get how i was alittle bit to cryptic :p
    But i wasnt 100% sure if my google skills were still the same, so i had to throw some hints out there before revealing myself, haha;)
    Found the blog through your deviantart btw (*stalkerstalker*) :)

    But yeees, of course it's me! Honestly, how many guys in the states have double a's in their name?! Haha, cant be that many ;)
    I was supposed to send you an email, but wasnt sure if you still used the one i had on file here! Mine is still, so go crazy! :D

  7. lol naughty! Wow, I still have that deviant art account. I forgot I had it. O.O Hey, you're right, not many with your name because Maarten is awesome and unique! Btw I already sent you an email. :P


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