Snapshots: Not your ordinary..

Life in Warcraft is moving along slowly these days. The 'grind' aspect of most MMOs is fast appearing to be a constant factor in Cataclysm Warcraft play. Personally, I dislike the feeling. What does one do then, to ease this fierce bout of monatony? Why, play around with archaelogy of course. Yes, I do realize how much of a sadist that makes me out of be.

Archy finds:

The RNG deity decided to be kind to my little digger. After a long period of not finding anything but troll forks and voodoo dolls. I began to find rares!
My two latest finds are Tyrande's favorite doll and Pendant of the Scarab. Let me tell you that it feels really good to find my first BOA item. Now if that elusive Zinrokh would only make an appearance.
A person on WoW Insider commented somewhere that if you want to find Deathwing then "do archaelogy, lots of it." I just want to say that person spoke the truth and inadvertently jinxed every one of us to a fiery doom.(*shakes fist*)

Chat Snaps:

While doing the fishing daily in Stormwind the Local Defense messsages started to sound an alarm. Apparently a Blood Elf DK was running amuck in the canals. Ever helpful,  a fellow guild member made the joke about the 'c-anal'  attack. Our trade chat is just full of that kind of thing.
This one needs a bit of setup to explain so I'll do it this way:
Shaman: So who's tanking? Masaya, do you want to heal this run?
Guildie in Vent: Who's coming?
Shadow Priest: oh mememe
Shaman in Vent: I'm tanking
Me: uhm if Coco(shaman) is tanking.. Ill let Ichi(shadow priest) take it(aka: hell no, you heal!)

This particular chat---I don't even...
Last but not least, what does a toon that has heard tales of Flintlocke the mighty do when she finally encounters the dwarf himself? She bails out of his airplane... ASAP!

Thanks for reading!


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